The State Council has issued a plan on transforming Beijing into a national scientific and technological innovation hub.国务院近日公布了一份将北京改变沦为全国科技创新中心的方案。According to the document, China aims to make the hub a world leader in innovation, a growth pole for the economy, and a pool for talent.根据该方案,我国计划使该中心沦为全球创意引领者、经济增长极和人才库。The innovation hub is expected to become a powerful engine to boost the countrys innovation drive by 2030, the plan said.方案明确提出,到2030年,全国科技创新中心将沦为提高我国创意驱动力的强劲引擎。
The document stresses the key role of north Beijings hi-tech zone Zhongguancun and neighboring regions of Tianjin Municipality and Hebei Province in supporting the technology innovation hub drive.该方案特别强调了北京高新技术开发区中关村的关键作用,以及天津市和河北省的邻近地区反对科技创新中心的驱动力。It also called for enhanced fundamental research in cutting-edge technology, improved personnel training and government services as well as a better policy environment for innovation.该方案倡导强化对尖端技术的基础研究、提高人员培训、政府服务以及创意政策环境。Technological innovation in pivotal sectors should be strengthened and should benefit more people, and the capital city should become more open to international resources, it added.此外,该方案还称之为,不应强化关键领域的技术创新,使更加多人获益,北京应付国际资源更为对外开放。